Time interval finder
Click submit to run the process which will find following properties in the submitted file or data and return RDF triples:
Data Requirements:
- Data can be submitted as CSV or RDF (RDF/TTL format).
- CSV data must be comma separated and contain start_time and end_time columns.
- start/end time can be either xsd:date or xsd:dateTime (it's possible to mix types in a submitted dataset but calculating intervals will only work for events with the same types).
- Data is being processed inside your browser on your computer.
- Use the file chooser for analyzing bigger volumes of data.
- Analyzing more than 10k of events might take a few minutes depending on your browser and the CPU and RAM resources available.
- When dealing with a larger dataset split it into multiple files (grouping related data) and analyze it separately if possible.
- Results will be automatically downloaded.